When you join The PG, we align you with the best in the business. You are not just joining an agency, we become a team. Your dedicated team consists of members from all levels and departments of our company. They are the best in the industry and will work closely with you to help you grow and enhance your business.

Our Business Development Specialists provide a high touch personalized work environment, customizable creative solutions and support for your case design needs. In addition, our experienced Underwriting team is the finest in the industry at internal assessment and carrier selection. By reviewing any price issues and assessing the impairment risks of your case, they will provide the best carrier selection which will assist you with greater case placement. Our Operations Team’s expertise provides for a smooth transaction process from contract and licensing to application and policy issue.

Contact us today to talk with a member of our Business Development Team.
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  • Kent Freundt

    President & CEO

    With over fifty years’ experience in the insurance industry, Kent began his career in 1966 with individual sales. By 1972, his personal selling success led to recruitment by Transamerica to open a branch office in Newport Beach, CA. During his 25 years as a branch manager, he and his branch office received many production awards and remained Transamerica’s top producing branch for over a decade.

    Always a visionary leader, Kent founded The Producers Group in 1997. He recruited the most talented and experienced people in the industry to assist him to become one of the most successful, privately owned financial distribution companies in the country. The Producers Group offers concierge services to include creative insight and innovative solutions for producers nationwide.

  • Eric Freundt

    Managing Partner

    Eric holds a degree in Advertising and Marketing from the University of Kansas. In 1999, Eric joined The Producers Group as a Brokerage Director and in 2007, became a Managing Partner and was appointed to VP of Annuity Operations and head of Marketing.

    As a Managing Partner, his leadership has led to significant growth and impassions him to remain committed to providing the necessary help and support that brokers need. As a Managing Partner his primary focus is to continue to develop broker relationships. Another important aspect of his role is building and maintaining partnerships with top carriers and industry leaders.


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